When They See Us (2019) English Netflix Series Review

Directed by Ava Duverney starring Jharel Jerome, Asante Blackk, Caleel Haris, Ethan Heriese , Marquis Rodriguez In lead.

Korey Wise, Kevin Richardson, Antron Mccay, yusuf Salaam and Raymond Santana are framed for a rape case which happened on central park. The series moves forward telling what happens to these 5 boys.

Based on real incident famously known. As the central park murder this is one of the best real life story series. First 2 seasons put us through the best possible nail bitting thrill and then next two seasons touch us emotionally. There is no moments of lag in this series which moves as fast as possible and comes to a completion in just 4 episodes. All the lead actors have given very much interesting performance on screen.

Verdict: one of the  Best real life story adapted series 


Watch it here : https://www.netflix.com/watch/80200549?source=35